Project 2020

Project of Interchange, Cooperation and Business Creation for Nikkei Farmers of South America 2020 (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

Background and Objectives of this Project

 Currently, about 2.1 million Japanese descendants live in Latin American countries. In recent years, the representation of the Nikkei society has been transferred from the second generation (Nisei) to the third generation (Sansei). Although the identity of the descendants has been diluted over time and with this concern to weaken the bonds of solidarity between peoples, there is a great interest in young descendants in the technological areas and advanced industries of Japan.
 On the other hand, mainly Brazil, where about 1.9 million descendants reside, is a major producer of cereals and very important for Japan in terms of the import of food. Therefore, it is necessary to build an even better partnership between these two countries, mainly in Japan's food security.
 Hence, the project aims to enhance the collaboration in the agricultural or food sector, and promote the export of Japanese agricultural and food products to the South American market through the following programs;
(1) strengthening the relationship with Nikkei farmers (2) holding training and exchange programs (3) enhancing business exchange between Japanese local companies and Nikkei farmers and (4) holding meetings to enhance the exchange and cooperation with Japan.
The target countries are Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and, Peru which is the second country with the largest number of Nikkei citizens after Brazil, with whom Japan establishes a Migration Agreement for.

Project Contents

  1. Strengthen Cooperation with Nikkei Farmers
  2. Provide Programs for Internship and Interchanges
  3. Promote the Business Interchange between Japanese Local Companies and Nikkei Farmers
  4. Hold Meetings to strengthen more Interchange and Cooperation among Japan and the Target Countries


 From April 24th, 2020 to March 12th, 2021

Basic Policy

  1. Link each operation to create New Business
  2. Strengthen cooperation among target countries by actively utilizing young leaders
  3. Follow up the business which is created until now


  1. Project Policy:website of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  2. The overall plan of the Project:[PDF]
  3. Project’s Pamphlet:[PDF]

Target Country Map


Activities Place Participants Frequency/Period
1 Hold a Project Promoter’s Committee Meeting
Project Promoter’s Committee Tokyo 5 members 3 times (July, September, February)
Analysis the direction of the project
2 Hold a Meeting for Nikkei farmers to strengthen the Cooperation
Meeting for Nikkei farmers to Strengthen the Cooperation online about 30 participants twice(September, February)
Discussion to find a solution
3 Training Program
Training for Young Nikkei Farmers online South American Nikkei farmers more than 3 courses (November-January)
Trainings about: High Added Value on Agricultural Products, Vertical Integration, Advanced Technologies like Smart Agriculture, Cooperation with Japanese Companies
Training to Promote the Activities of Women Groups of Nikkei Farmers Online Training to Promote the Activities of Women Groups of Nikkei Farmers more than 3 courses(November-January)
Training sessions about the Japanese women’s work in agriculture, ex) Effort to Add Value on the Products, Food Production, Flower Cultivation, Selling, etc.
Extra Trainings at the Target Country by sending Japanese Specialists Online South American Nikkei farmers more than 3 courses(October-January)
Trainings to teach extra knowledges about some specific agricultural theme
4 Promotion of Business Interchange between Japanese Companies and Nikkei Farmers
Hold some Business Interchanges Online 2 Japanese companies, more than 40 participants Once(January)
Business Interchange among Japanese companies, Nikkei farmers and entities
Update the database about the Nikkei Farmers and Entities year-round(during the project period)
Update the database of the project’s participants
Survey of the Production Fact-Finding of Nikkei Farmers at Brazil and Paraguay year-round(during the project period)
Survey of the real situation of Smart Agriculture and production system of Nikkei farmers
Other necessary survey year-round(during the project period)
Survey about: the COVID-19 effect, Smart Agriculture in South America, etc.
5 Meetings to interchange and strengthen the cooperation between Japan and the Target Countries
Meetings to interchange and strengthen the cooperation between Japan and the Target Countries online more than once
Make a Latin America Group, also Groups with each specific theme and build an online area for interchanges

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